So I’ve been working on something for a bit – a spreadsheet based Chaos Wars army builder. Given some of the fiddly bits of building armies in Chaos Wars, I wasn’t sure how this would turn out.

What I’m sharing is considered “alpha” quality. It works, but it is far from complete, not intuitive and really tuned at this point for my campaign world. For example, some of the extra stuff you can do for Characters (Palanquins, for example) and many of the Creature mods are not there. The Orc values are different in my campaign because Orcs are somewhat similar to Beastmen in their powers. Other things are not added because I’m not using them (yet). So this will be a work in progress for a long time.

This is a Google Sheet, which you can copy to your own Google Drive or (maybe) download as an Excel. WARNING – I don’t know how it will work downloaded as an Excel. It might not at all, since I use the query feature extensively. If you have Google Sheets, “Add” the sheet to your drive and then make a copy so you can edit, fiddle with your copy.

The idea is that you copy each “section” for the number of units. So if you want to have 10 troop units, 5 characters, 5 creatures and 4 artillery, just copy/paste the blocks you need. You’ll see what I mean when you open it and look how I’ve done it. There’s a Side #1 tab and Side #2 tab.

Let me know what you think… and remember, this is definitely Work In Progress quality!

One thought on “Chaos Wars Army Builder Spreadsheet”
  1. Hi, just copied this and tried it out. Pretty cool. It covers the basics for me and is much quicker and easier to knock out a roster or just test out one and see what the point values are.


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