I’ve been busy with prepping a bunch of minis to prime and taking my time working on commander figures. The commanders get extra-special treatment; I’m painting them using the full 3 color Dallimore/Foundry method. Through this, I’ve discovered two things – 1) my eyes are shit; I need serious magnification to paint eyes or tiny features and 2) light is the best thing; I need lots of it!

That being said, my first Elf Commander (Ral Partha 50-041) turned out far better than I expected, it might be the best mini I’ve painted to date! He’s painted in the color scheme I use for Land Elves.


The second Elf Commander (Ral Partha Elf Warlord 50-060) for the Sea Elves is coming along and I can’t wait to finish his shield.


Here’s what’s waiting for me to paint up once I’m done taking my time with these commanders/characters… more troops! Orcs and Goblins and some Elven cavalry. They’ll be on the table at GaryCon for sure.

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5 thoughts on “Some peeks at Elven commander miniatures”
  1. Wow, that is a lot of painting to do! A lot of figures to store too, btw, how do you store all of those things? We have a china hutch that we keep the ones that we don't use, for our regular games we keep them in padded boxes.

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