Jeez, I really am a complete newbie at this again, aren’t I? I completely forgot that I had started podcasting again.

I have two episodes up right now, talking about restarting my tabletop AD&D game and the challenges/things I’ve run into.

No embeds – because apparently I’ve forgotten how to do that as well, but here are the links to the episodes:

Episode 40: Restarting my campaigns post-COVID –

Episode 41: The Game’s Afoot! –

Let me know what you think!

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7 thoughts on “Podcasting again! Dungeon Master’s Handbook – Episodes 40 and 41 are out now.”
  1. Unfortunately I don't believe so. I can't recommend Burning Wheel Gold enough though, even if you never play BW it is a great read and has some systems/tools that translate everywhere. Plus owning Burning Wheel seems to be some kind of 'rite of passage' for rpg gamers. 🙂

  2. The theme here is forgetfulness…
    Yeah, my other question. I have during the pandemic found out so many people online playing Battletech, and not the old ones you and me both know, but a fast playing slimmed rules set called Alpha Strike. I might have mentioned them before, but now I'm really sold on it. Have you tried it out?

  3. Great to hear you podcasting again Mike! It was interesting to hear you having to "field test" your notes. I have realized I suck at note taking. When I am not playing a regular every week game, I find I have no memory of what happened. Only now have I realized how much I rely on the player's recap that we usually start each session with. My GM style is so geared at providing a setting and then go with the flow, that when I don't get the players feeding me notes, the ones I have are woefully inadequate!

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