29. What is one of my most memorable encounters?
As player – in a Tim F***ing Kask game at GaryCon (Part 1, Part 2), I survived a Type V demon by groveling/running while she was occupied w/PCs who wanted to fight. It didn’t end well for those who stayed.
As DM – SO MANY! My players are awesome! The d30 is key in some: one time giving a damage result like a nuke to a cleric tossing an oil flask/lantern combo at a giant ant-lion . He still talks about that!
30. Obscure RPG that I’ve played
I mentioned 3:16 on Day 7, so the other obscure RPG that I’ve played this year is “Arduin”, hosted by my friend Tesquovarah. We ran into each other on Mastodon IIRC, when I was looking for players for my Dungeon23.

Arduin is awesome gonzo in the way that screaming death metal big hair bands who are flying on sailing winged airships while wielding huge flaming swords is awesome. The 1st edition from the 70s is messy and difficult to read, but so many cool nuggets that have become mainstays in RPG tropes.
And Tesquovarah has done a fantastic job of throwing us into an Arduin type setting, it’s been great fun!
31. Favorite RPG of all time

The game I’ve played more than any other game across 46 years of RPG’ing is Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 1st edition. I’ve spent more time in those books and have played in those mechanics far more than anything else. I’ve written, spoken and created mostly for AD&D and it’s been the underlying mechanics for an ongoing fourteen year campaign with multiple, simultaneous groups. It’s the system I’ll reach for by default, mostly.
And with that, I’ll end my RPGaDay2023 participation! I never did this before, so I have nothing to compare with in the past, although I can pretty confidently say that I think my answers would have been mostly the same in 2013, especially with favorites and preferences.